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Monday, September 15, 2008

1st day of Uni


finally my Uni life continues after takin a long summer break around 3mths half...@.@.. and am glad that finally i endured d long 3mths break at home rottening in front of my pc..>.<...
now i can b back into enjoyin real life instead of rottening...wakakakas...

2dae was the 1st day of i went to register with my parents in Uni...
finish all d registeration around 3pm n went 2 collect my room key...
i am glad that im place same "room" with Kon n Leong..haha...anythin tat i nid help...can ask dem ald...but dun tink they can help me in my education as im takin EnE alone while they r takin chemical!!!...T.T

finish unpack-ing my luggage and planned 2 play basketball in d evenin...but weather reli...>.>....speechless...IT RAIN!!! we hav our dinner earlier with Celest,Leong,Kon,Gates,Jo-Ann n Foong May at De Steak so we can play basketball at nite...but still...its rainin at nite!!!...hopefully tml mornin will b a good weather...@.@

after our dinner...we went back uni n kon n gates planned 2 play ping pong since we hav plenty of free we went 2 Sports complex and get sweat a while la...

den we went 2 Jo-Ann Sunway Semenyih hse since she n FM is stayin alone...n now im at their hse on9in *duh*

but tis nite is terrible for me...shudnt have drink Teh Ice at De Steak jz now...>.>..made me cant sleep at ALL...hopefully i will b awake durin the 6hr induction tml mornin...>.>...

so jz w8in the rest of dem 2 wake up n go for breakfas...

tats all for 2daes event...will blog mor if i have d feel n time...wakakakas....ciaos~

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